2023 HATAB Annual Conference in Maun
The town of Maun hosted the 2023 Hospitality and Tourism Association of Botswana (HATAB) Annual Conference, under the theme “Tourism: an engine that fosters sustainable and inclusive growth.” The two-day conference began on the 20th of April and ended on the 21st of April 2023.
Hospitality and Tourism Association Botswana (HATAB)’s Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Lily Rakorong addressed the HATAB Annual Conference highlighting that the ongoing efforts on improving the tourism industry of Botswana are continuing.

Furthermore the 37th HATAB annual conference brought under one roof role players to engage, discuss and come up with recommendations to transform the sector. “The discussions centered around issues such as risk management measures to avoid future shocks on health; long term restrictions on importation of selected vegetables; and park entrance fees for professional guides, Botswana staff and tour operators,” said Ms. Rakorong.
Gracing the town of Maun, His Honor the Vice President of the Republic of Botswana Mr. Slumber Tsogwane shared during the official opening of the conference that the theme is a befitting agenda as espoused in Vision 2036 and Agenda 2030 for sustainable development as the tourism sector creates jobs for the people of all ages and skill levels, not only within the sector but throughout its entire value chain and in other sectors including agriculture, construction, manufacturing, retail, handicrafts, financial services, information and communications technologies.