The Bank of Botswana wishes to inform the public that in line with licensing powers enshrined in Section 30(1) of the Bank of Botswana Act (Cap. 55:01) and Bank of Botswana (Bureaux de Change) Regulations, have been revoked with immediate effect.
The licenses issued to Today’s Best Bureau de Change and Travelex Bureau de Change to transact foreign exchange business, this follows voluntary cessation of operations and surrender of the licenses by the two entities.
Accordingly, the public is advised not to transact foreign exchange business with any person purporting to trade in the names of Today’s Best Bureau de Change and Travelex Bureau de Change. Members of the public are also reminded that it is a criminal offense under Section 30(4) of the Bank of Botswana Act (Cap. 55:01) to conduct the business of buying and selling foreign currency without a valid license issued by the Bank.