Destination Imagination Engages Learners via STEAM Projects
As technology continues to impact our lives, now, more than ever, with the 4th industrial revolution, is when the world needs it to solve the current challenges and be able to come up with future solutions through the help of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM).

There has never been a low supply for talent and zeal among the youth in Africa A scorn that perpetually faces them is unemployment. This has demoralized learning and pushed education to an afterthought.
To solve this problem Edustore Africa has partnered with Destination Imagination to push the STEAM movement. The main aim is to provide solutions to the questions, what is STEAM? How is it different? How best can we take advantage of STEAM to better ourselves as a people and a continent?
STEAM Education is an approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
What STEAM offers is an opportunity to be an integral part of the 4th Revolution. Be ready for new opportunities. And not ust employment. It provides skills to be problem solvers. Be solution makers to the problems facing us as a people.
The collaboration will see a new way of learning introduced. This is in partnership with the ministry of Basic Education of Botswana, It introduces children to a wide range of ideas, skills, and techniques while concentrating on problem solving more than retention of data or facts. Biggest way to move on together is by incorporating working together in the DNA of learning. The challenges are solved by working together as a team and collaborating to find a solution.
The programme will be benefiting from the high level skill set of the current gurus of STEAM for training and invigilation of the tournaments. Also, the local community and corporates will play a part in sponsorship of the entire programme.
In conclusion, Kimangu said, “Through DI we were able to put together a fast-track programme which will host the tournament that will oversee scientific, engineering and fine arts projects by participating schools and learners. In the near future, we expect to have African competitions hosted in Tanzania or South Africa with other five countries coming on board, such as Rwanda, subject to guidelines over prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic.”