
First Capital Bank Named “The Best Bank in Botswana”

Reinettee Van der Merwe – First Capital Bank CEO

Recently, First Capital Bank was announced as ‘The Best Bank in Botswana’ by Global Finance in its 28th Annual Best Bank Awards and has received the “Best Forex Rates 2021” award from Finance Derivative.

Global Finance is headquartered in New York, with offices around the world and regularly selects the top performers among banks and other providers of financial services. The Finance Derivative awards honour companies who have performed extraordinarily well and provides a platform for global recognition. The award will be published in the June 2021 and December 2021 editions of Finance Derivative Magazines.

Founded in 1987, Global Finance Global Finance, has a circulation of 50,000 and readers in 189 countries. Global Finance’s audience includes senior corporate and financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic decisions at multinational companies and financial institutions. Global Finance regularly selects the top performers among banks and other providers of financial services. These awards have become a trusted standard of excellence for the global financial community.

“Banks are playing a key role in economic recovery around the world. Our Best Bank awards highlight the leaders in restoring growth and mapping a way forward. This year’s evaluations are more important and valuable than at any point in their 28-year history, given the unprecedented economic conditions wrought by the global pandemic,” said Joseph D. Giarraputo, publisher and editorial director of Global Finance.

The overall Best Bank in the World will be announced in the summer and published in October, along with the Best Global Banks in more than a dozen key categories. The winners of this year’s awards are those banks that attended carefully to their customers’ needs in difficult markets and accomplished strong results while laying the foundations for future success. All selections were made by the editors of Global Finance after extensive consultations with corporate financial executives, bankers and banking consultants, and analysts throughout the world.

In selecting these top banks, Global Finance considered factors that ranged from the quantitative objective to the informed subjective. Banks were invited to submit entries supporting their selection. Objective criteria considered included: growth in assets, profitability, geographic reach, strategic relationships, new business development and innovation in products. Subjective criteria included the opinions of equity analysts, credit rating analysts, banking consultants and others involved in the industry.

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